Bachelor CMD/ Communication and marketing digital project manager
This one-year, alternating formation or full time, after a BTS or a Bac +2, is attached to the CFA of St Paul-Bourdon-Blanc in Orléans and in partnership with MediaSchool in Boulogne-Billancourt.
The professional certification Communication and marketing digital project manager, European level 6, is aimed at profiles able to practice all or some of the following areas of activity:
– Conduct marketing studies based on prospective monitoring and qualification of the customer entity’s needs
– Design of the customer entity’s digital marketing plan and/or communication
– Steering the implementation and evaluation of the customer entity’s digital marketing and communication actions
Its purpose is to participate in the development of the aura of an organization (company, institution, association, etc.), managing the implementation of the strategic axes defined by its management at the operational level in order to foster the meeting between a product/service offer and its target audience.
24 places are available for this year in alternating or full time, in Bachelor CMD, at the campus Ste Marguerite in Chambray les Tours.
Pre requisite
Hold a BTS or Bac +2.
- Ability to work in a team environment
- Have interpersonal skills
- Organizational skills and a sense of responsibility
- Focus on media, social networks, trends.
Admission requirements
- Être âgé de 16 à 29 ans (au-delà pour les personnes RQTH).
- Admission on file, interview.
- Be 16 to 29 years old (beyond for RQTH people).
Our journey terms
Duration of formation
- from September to August,
- 532 hours of training at the campus Ste Marguerite
Type of contract
Learning or full time
For alternate: 3 days in the company and 2 days/week and intensive weeks at the campus Ste Marguerite Pole (UFA)
Number of participants
24 students maximum
Our strengths
Diversified training offering
Personalized support
Human-sized structure
Anchored in professional reality
Local and international partnerships
Our teaching
Skills block 1
Conduct of marketing studies based on prospective monitoring and qualification of the entity’s needs
Skills block 2
Design of the customer entity’s digital marketing plan and/or communication
Skills block 3
Management of the implementation of the customer entity’s digital marketing and communication actions
Business project
To obtain the certification, the candidate must cumulatively validate the 3 blocks of competencies constituting the certification.
The evaluation methods are carried out either on the basis of case studies (e.g.: several digital marketing and/or communication tools and supports based on a customer brief or specifications) either from individual or collective professional situations (e.g. a digital marketing plan and/ or communication, in the form of a client recommendation) or a summary note, mission report (e.g. conducting a marketing watch in the form of a trend study.)
Each block is certified and can be capitalized.
Présentation du campus Ste Marguerite en vidéo.
Outline of studies
Professional opportunities
- Digital product manager
- Product manager
- Web marketing manager
- UX manager
- Digital communications manager
- Trade managerResponsable e-commerce
Formation rate
2023/2024, excluding MSC insurance, BVE contribution:
– full time: €5,000
– Alternate: supported by OPCO
Journée portes ouvertes – novembre
Samedi 23 novembre 2024, 9h30-12h30, 1 et 1bis rue Horizon Vert à Chambray
Mélanie, créatrice de contenu, en alternance
En formation en bachelor, au campus Ste Marguerite…
Rencontre avec le concepteur du nouvel espace SFDA.lab
Entretien avec Benjamin HENRY, architecte…
Les stages
Full-time: 12 weeks.
Alternance: not identified
Campus Ste Marguerite
1 rue Horizon Vert
37176 Chambray-lès-Tours
Phone: +332 47 74 80 04
Disability coordinator*
E-mail :
*The training center welcomes individuals with disabilities, thereby aligning with the provisions of Law No. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018, concerning the freedom to choose one’s professional future. It offers:
• Facilities accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM)
• Reception by a designated disability liaison
• Adaptation of the training program
• Close collaboration with partners and stakeholders involved in the training process.
The disability liaison:
• Provides personalized and tailored assistance as per individual needs
• Acts as a liaison with host organizations
• Ensures follow-up and support throughout the apprenticeship contract.
Certified level 6 in partnership with MediaSchool
The Bachelor’s Degree in Chef de projet communication et marketing digital is a level 6 qualification accredited by the National Directory of Professional Certifications (NSF code 312, 320, as per the decision of the General Director of France Competences dated September 29, 2022).
© Photos : Headway, Siyuan et Kobu Agency – Unsplash, groupe scolaire St François d’Assise et DR