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BTS CG - Accounting and Management

2 years- Graduate certificate- Education National- State diploma- Level 5 European- 120 ECTS

Grade 1: full-time, grade 2: full-time or alternate
The BTS Accounting and Management trains technicians to work in an accounting firm, whether in the accounting department of a company, a bank, an insurance company or an administration. Its main activity is the accounting translation of all commercial or financial transactions. It also analyses the information available to it to prepare management decisions. 38 places are available in 1st year, as well as in 2nd year, in BTS CG at the campus Ste Marguerite in Chambray-lès-Tours.


Icône admission


Pre requisite

Hold a general baccalaureate, professional baccalaureate, STMG or equivalent diploma.
- Have math skills
- Good analytical and synthesis skills
- Have organizational capacity
- Adaptability and communication skills

Icône Objectifs pédagogiques

Our educational objectives

To train future competent and invested professionals.

Icône Atouts

Our strengths

Offre de formation diversifiée

Diversified training offering

Accompagnement personnalisé

Personalized support

Structure à taille humaine

Human-sized structure

Ancrage réalité professionnelle

Anchored in professional reality

Partenariats locaux et internationaux

Local and international partnerships

Icône Enseignement

Our teaching

Project pedagogy

Projects rooted in professional reality to gain autonomy and responsibility

Active pedagogy

Play Video about Pôle supérieur Ste Marguerite

Présentation du pôle supérieur Ste Marguerite en vidéo.

Icône Schéma des études

Outline of studies

Schéma des études BTS CG
Picto Poursuite des études

Further studies

  • Professional degree in finance, accounting, human resources or business management.
  • DCG (accounting and management diploma)

Icône Débouchés professionnels

Professional opportunities

  • Assistant.e de gestion en pme
  • Comptable
  • Administrateur.rice de bien



New school year 2024, excluding MSC insurance, BVE contribution, Apel contributions:

– full time: €1,867

– Alternate, possible in 2nd year: supported by OPCO


Icône Stages


BTS full-time: 10 weeks, spread over the two years. 6 consecutive internship weeks in 1st year and 4 weeks in 2nd year.
Alternance BTS: not identified.

Icône Localisation


Campus Ste Marguerite

1 rue Horizon Vert
37176 Chambray-lès-Tours

BTS / Alternate
Phone: +332 47 74 80 04
Email: alternance@sfda37.fr

Disability liaison: Virginie PERICARD*
Email : vipericard@stpbb.org

BTS / Full time
Phone: +332 47 74 80 00
Email: secretariat.ensup@sfda37.fr

Disability liaison: Sandra BESSÉ*
Email : rvsensup@sfda37.fr

*The training center welcomes individuals with disabilities, thereby aligning with the provisions of Law No. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018, concerning the freedom to choose one’s professional future. It offers:
• Facilities accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM)
• Reception by a designated disability liaison
• Adaptation of the training program
• Close collaboration with partners and stakeholders involved in the training process.
The disability liaison:
• Provides personalized and tailored assistance as per individual needs
• Acts as a liaison with host organizations
• Ensures follow-up and support throughout the apprenticeship contract.

Social Networks

Icône Instagram
Logo de l'éducation nationale et jeunesse
Logo BTS contrôlé par l'état
Logo du centre de formation de Saint Paul Bourdon Blanc

© Photos : Siyuan et Kobu Agency – Unsplash, groupe scolaire St François d’Assise et DR

Je m'inscris

Contactez Madame CONSTANTIN : alternance@sfda37.fr
ou téléchargez le dossier de candidature

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