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High School Ste Marguerite

High school and technology/ Chambray-les-Tours

A displayed desire for each student to be fully realized

  • Integration of second-graders
  • Human dimension framework
  • Personalized follow-up
  • Guidance support
  • Caring and demanding
  • Partnership with Échourgnac Abbey
  • Modern infrastructure
  • Environmental awareness
  • Youth Health Area
  • School coaching

The reception of second-year students is made from the first day of the school year.
The whole educational team is concerned to integrate each young person in his new life as a high school student.
Each year, an integration day is planned to promote group cohesion.
Throughout his high school years, the young person will be surrounded humanly and scholastically, but he will also be accompanied in his choice of pre and post- baccalaureate orientation.
The well-being of high school students is at the heart of the concerns of all: teachers, team of school life (responsible and educators-supervisors) and assistant of Direction. The entire educational team is based on the same values and wants to develop the taste for effort and success of each young person.

A bus dedicated to school group students is offered between Esvres and Chambray-
lès-Tours, read more.

Découvrez notre établissement

Play Video about Photo du Lycée St Marguerite
Play Video about Photo du Lycée St Marguerite

Our teaching


Numerous international projects punctuate high school schooling, such as the Franco-Mexican partnership, the European section with its physics courses in English, or the trips organized by the teaching team to Spain and Italy.


A relaxation area is set up in the heart of the Ste Marguerite high school. High school students meet there to share a hot or cold drink, play a game of foosball or just for a break, at noon or during breaks.

Green spaces

The school is located in a green setting where young people gather to take the air or to have lunch, in fine weather, on the many picnic tables available.


The webradio is a recording studio dedicated to making podcasts. Ideal as a complement to a presentation, this medium allows you to create audio resumes, interviews, debates... in French, English or Spanish. Webradio is popular for developing a better mastery of oral expression. A young person in Civic Service is available to the students and the teaching team for recording and broadcasting the sessions.

CDI / Documentation and Information centre

Two teachers-documentalists welcome students and members of the educational team throughout the day, from Monday to Friday, in a beautiful space of 400 m2. With 22 self-service computer stations, more than 45,000 printed references (documentaries, fiction, periodicals) and digital with Europresse, the CDI has resources adapted to:
- a literature search,
- successful completion of the training pathway,
- access to general education, reading and career guidance documentation.
Follow the CDI on its website and on Facebook and Twitter

Youth Health Area

As part of our partnership with the association Espace Santé Jeune in Tours, a psychologist attentive to the well-being of young people is available once a week.

© Photos : groupe scolaire St François d’Assise 

Nos classes

Enseignement général et technologique

Enseignement général

Enseignement technologique

The restoration in our establishment

The restoration is one of the first concerns of the parents, it is also a key moment in the youth day. It is in this spirit that our institution strives to satisfy you as best as possible. We work with our partner SODEXO, in order to offer each person who has lunch at the school restaurant a guarantee of quality on the products.
Within the framework of the EGalim Law, the Sodexo team is committed to promoting short circuits, to offer products of French origin and fruits and vegetables from our region. The focus is on organic products, regularly offered on lunch.

Lycée Ste Marguerite

© Photo : Gin PINEAU

Word from the executive assistant

Entry into the second is an important step towards autonomy. It is also an opportunity to further refine its orientation. At High School Ste Marguerite, we accompany each student individually in the construction of his school project.

The entire educational team is committed to leading each young person to the completion of his baccalaureate, general or technological, in the best conditions. We want to make it the eco-citizen of tomorrow, a challenge we eagerly take up on a daily basis. This approach is part of the educational project of the St François d’Assise school group.

We are attentive to all young people and we want to develop in them a taste for effort and success. Our establishment is open to the modern world, in a spirit of benevolence but also of requirement. Many projects are launched each year in high school, which make it attractive and dynamic: everyone can thus flourish in their learning.

Together with your parents, who are the first educators of young people, we form a guiding team with the same goal: their success and development, in respect of the Christian values that are ours.


Executive Assistant, School Manager Ste Marguerite

Our team

Portrait de Françoise Mandonnet


Adjointe, Responsable du lycée


Vie scolaire

Responsable Vie scolaire du lycée

Lycée Ste Marguerite


Julie MONS
Secrétaire du lycée


Vie scolaire



Vie scolaire


Olivier PICHOT

Vie scolaire

Olivier PICHOT

Déborah POUX

Vie scolaire

Déborah POUX


Lycée Ste Marguerite
1 rue Horizon Vert
37176 Chambray-lès-Tours
Tél. : 02 47 74 80 00
E-mail : secretariat.lycee@sfda37.fr
